The best, and easiest way to rid your horse of bucked shins, the Royal Quick Wraps are the ultimate therapeutic leg wrap.
For those that are not so confident using bandages, the Royal Quick Wraps are a safe, easy application, with optimal fit, without the worry of tendon pressure or swollen legs. The soft pad is surrounded by an extra thick layer of neoprene for protection.
Suitable for stable, yard and paddock use. (However, care should be taken when used in paddocks, especially for horses with low heels.)
Available in 3 convenient sizes - all wraps are 40cm in width. Sizes are 35cm, 40cm and 45cm high. Sold in pairs.
Xtra Large is suitable for very large 17h+ horses. These are 43cm wide and 50cm high.
Fabric: Outer Shell: Neoprene. Inner Pad: 100% Welltex polyester bio-ceramic textile.